Exit9 Gift Emporium

Gifts & Specialty ItemsArts & Crafts
11-7 Everyday
Driving Directions:
Map our addresses in your phone. 51 Avenue A, NYC or 127 Smith St Brooklyn
About Us
Exit9 Gift Emporium is a gift shop with two locations -- East Village and Brooklyn. The Village Voice calls us the ''Best Place to buy spur-of-the-moment inexpensive gifts, for virtually anyone.''
We have just launched a collection of local food gift boxes as a prequel to the opening of our new shop called Local Line at the new Essex Street Market.
With the Local Line by Exit9 gift boxes, we have curated the best of what local makers are doing right now. We offer business discounts starting at just $200. And to make gifting easy we allow people to merge business and personal lists to reach higher discounts. We are happy to customize gift boxes for preference or price.
Shop the boxes at
Learn about the discounts at
Exit9 is certified LBGT by the NGLCC, so we can are ready to work with your diversity supplier department.
- We Sell Fun
- We Support Local
- We Curate Boxes

Rep/Contact Info